Saturday, April 9, 2011

forty-ninth visit: April 3rd 2011 Presbyterian, emphasis on multiethnicity, social justice, and racial reconciliation

10:30am sunday
Friendship Community Presbyterian Church
181 Robinson St, Pittsburgh PA 15213
edge of hill district and west oakland

I'm in a rare less-is-more mood
(as far as words) and welcome it. We'll see how long it lasts.

Every once in a while I attend a place of worship whose mission overlaps with the ideas in gatherings. This is one of them. An acquaintance of mine, Natalie, encouraged me to attend this (her) church. She explained that this church aims to thrive in successfully addressing issues of "multiethnicity, social justice and racial reconciliation" within their own congregation and beyond. She says that honestly, it's a lot of work and not without pain, but obviously she wouldn't be a member if she didn't believe in it.

I choose a spot at the end of a pew, middle section. Sing. Listen. Watch a mime performance.
Fellow worshipers seem very grounded. Not worried about what others are thinking. Not experiencing judgment. Natalie and I find each other at the end of the service. I explain that I thought about telling her I'd be there today, but then realized I do a much better job at this when I'm alone. She is also an artist. I think she understands.

Later that day when I'm between errands, in a completely different neighborhood,
someone stops me on the street. He remembers seeing me this morning, across the sanctuary. And I him. I tell him about this project. Unexpected connectedness.

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